Tracking API Usage with Posthog

August 23, 2023 (2y ago)

Tracking user engagement in API products is different from traditional web apps. Discover how Posthog can help you gain deeper insights into your API's usage. When your product is an API, especially a SaaS one targeted at developers for B2B purposes, the dynamics of user engagement tracking differ from conventional web applications. Unlike web apps, where you can seamlessly integrate tracking scripts into the frontend, API products require a more granular approach.

The Importance of API Usage Insight

Before we dive into the "how," it's essential to understand the "why." Here are some key questions I'm trying to answer for my API product:

  • Which endpoints are used the most?
  • Which endpoints see minimal engagement?
  • Which versions of the API are specific users utilizing?
  • Which authentication methods are prevalent?
  • Are there underutilized features or endpoints that may indicate areas for improvement or even deprecation?

Answering these questions is pivotal for:

  • Gaining a deep product insight.
  • Making informed product decisions.
  • Understanding the potential repercussions of introducing changes or deprecating certain functions.

Challenges with Tracking API Products Unlike web applications, you cannot simply drop a script into an API. Each endpoint needs to have event tracking integrated, and these events should be tied to specific callers to gather accurate usage analytics. Moreover, while there's a wealth of content available on measuring API performance and observability metrics, there's a notable void when it comes to detailed guidelines on usage analytics for API products.

Enter Posthog

Posthog offers a potential solution. Posthog is an open-source product analytics platform. It offers 3 features that are particularly useful for API products:

  • Event Tracking Integration: Add event triggers within your API code. For instance, every time a particular endpoint is accessed, an event can be fired.
  • User Identification: For B2B products, it's beneficial to know which company or user accesses what. Integrate user identification within your events to break down usage statistics by user or organization.
  • Version Tracking: Keep track of the API versions users are on. This can be achieved by adding a version number to the event payload.

They also offer a generous free tier and it can be run locally in docker which I find appealing for local development.

Integrating Posthog with FastAPI

I'm using FastAPI for my API product, so I'll be using it as an example. However, the same principles apply to any other framework.


Setup is fairly easy, install and initialise the Posthog client: I like to use a singleton pattern for this, so I create a file with the following:

from posthog import Posthog
from app.core.config import config
posthog = Posthog(project_api_key=config.POSTHOG_API_KEY, host=config.POSTHOG_HOST)

The posthog library by default buggers events before sending them for performance, but this can lead to lost events in serverless environments. I tend to keep my services ephemeral and stateless and hosted on autoscaling solutions like CloudRun or Serverless. To avoid data loss, you can instruct the posthog client to flush the events after every request using FastAPI's middleware and the flush command:

from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from import posthog
app = FastAPI()
async def flush_sentry(request: Request, call_next):
    response = await call_next(request)
    return response

Now we're ready to use the posthog client to track events.

Tracking Events

Most APIs can be mapped to a user journey or a series of user journeys. For instance, a user may create an account, then create a project, then create a widget, and so on. This is common practice in SRE and DevOps, the user journey is called a "happy path." Tracking the happy path is a good starting point for usage analytics.

For example, let's say we have a user journey that looks like this:

  1. Signs ups
    Endpoint: POST /api/v1/auth/signup
    Event: user_signup"/api/v1/auth/signup")
def login(data: WidgetSchema, current_user=Depends(get_current_user)):
    # Sign up logic here
    posthog.capture('sign_up', { 'user_id':, 'organisation': current_user.organisation, 'plan': current_user.plan })
    return {"message": "Sign up successful"}
  1. Logins
    Endpoint: POST /api/v1/auth/login
    Event: user_login"/api/v1/auth/login")
def login(data: LoginSchema, current_user=Depends(get_current_user)):
    # Login logic here
    posthog.capture('user_login', { 'user_id':, 'organisation': current_user.organisation })
    return {"message": "Login successful"}
  1. Project creation
    Endpoint: POST /api/v1/projects
    Event: project_create"/api/v1/projects")
def create_project(data: ProjectSchema, current_user=Depends(get_current_user)):
    # Create project logic here
    posthog.capture('project_create', { 'user_id':, 'organisation': current_user.organisation, 'project_id': })
    return {"message": "Project created"}
  1. Widget creation
    Endpoint: POST /api/v1/projects/project_id/widgets
    Event: widget_create"/api/v1/projects/{project_id}/widgets")
def create_widget(data: WidgetSchema, current_user=Depends(get_current_user)):
    # Create widget logic here
    posthog.capture('widget_create', { 'user_id':, 'organisation': current_user.organisation, 'project_id':, 'widget_id': })
    return {"message": "Widget created"}

Simple to setup, we've only added a few lines of code to our project, but over time as we add more events, we'll have a wealth of data to analyse. For some questions I'm looking to answer are:

  • We can see where in the customer journey users are dropping off?
  • Which versions of the API are users on?
  • Are users within the same organisation using different API versions?
  • What's the usage on specific endpoints/features?
  • Are there any underutilised features by a specific organisation that we can educate them on?
  • Are there any underutilised features by all users that we can deprecate?

Comparison to logging and observability

An argument can be made that this is what logging and observability tools are for. However, I find that logging and observability tools are more suited for debugging and performance monitoring. Whereas event tracking and analytics are more suited for product insights, decision making and understanding user behaviour. Posthog offers a few additional features that help with analysis, specifically Cohorts which allow you to group users based on their behaviour as measured by events. It also ties in nicely with the ability to run feature flags and experiments on future traffic


You can try posthog out for yourself here: posthog
Note: I am not affiliated with Posthog; I've just found it helpful and easy to use.